Join us for an extraordinary evening where the worlds of Cinema and Mathematics converge at the 2025 Friends of IHES Gala in New York City. This unique celebration will feature an engaging dialogue between Hugo Duminil-Copin  and a prominent figure from the film industry, exploring the fascinating role of mathematics in modern cinema. Under the high patronage of Mr. Laurent Bili, Ambassador of France to the United States, and Mr. Cédrik Fouriscot, Consul General of France in New York, this event will include a three-course dinner featuring fine French cuisine, an exclusive auction, and opportunities to connect with some of the world’s most creative scientific minds. Stay tuned for more information!

For more than 20 years, Friends of IHES has been a bridge between IHES and its community in the United States.

Friends of IHES, Inc. is a charitable 501(c)(3) organization created in 1999. Its primary goals are to increase the visibility of IHES in the United States, coordinate the network of current and former American visiting researchers to the Institute, and raise funds for IHES. Since its foundation, the Institute has nurtured very close connections to the US and about a quarter of visitors come from there, every year.

Founded in 1958, the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES) is a private, nonprofit advanced research institute in mathematics, theoretical physics and all related sciences. IHES is a community whose heart is in Bures‑sur‑Yvette, a small town outside of Paris, France, but whose reach and influence span the globe. Some of the most creative minds of the twentieth and twenty‑first centuries have called IHES their intellectual home – including eight laureates of the Fields Medal, three of whom are currently at the Institute. IHES is also a founding member of Université Paris-Saclay, ranked #1 university worldwide in mathematics and #1 in Europe in physics according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities.

Our key values

Independence and Freedom of Research

Permanent and Visiting Professors are completely free of teaching duties and administrative responsibilities or concerns.

Courage and Risk Taking

IHES stands out with its bold recruitment policy: not content with attracting those with established scientific reputations, the Institute bets on young talents.

Intellectual Curiosity and Ambition

IHES provides the supportive environment needed for fundamental science at the highest level, which relies on long-term research work.

Collaboration and Emulation

The intellectual life of the Institute is constantly stimulated and invigorated by scientists from all over the world.

8 Fields medalists & 3 Abel Prize laureates

Your impact

Your sponsorship will contribute to the Institute’s mission of advancing fundamental research. It will directly support the scientific activity of IHES, financing researchers from around the globe, and more particularly from the US ‑ where our largest population of visiting professors reside.